redried artwork example

We’re showing all the steps this bouquet took, from fresh, to air-dried, to preserved in resin keepsakes. The client requested an “in-between” design aesthetic to leave some breathing room of clear space. The examples shown are not intended to be replicated, as each artwork is custom made and will vary according to floral shape and size.

  • Fresh wedding bouquet

    Original fresh bouquet on day of event

  • Air-dried wedding bouquet

    Air-dried by client and shipped to our studio

  • Air-dried wedding bouquet resin artwork hexagon

    Preserved in our signature Hexagon Bouquet Artwork

  • Air-dried wedding bouquet resin artwork hexagon

    Preserved in our signature Hexagon Bouquet + Boutonnière Artworks

  • Air-dried and fresh flowers resin artwork spheres

    Side-by-side comparison of an air-dried flower preserved in resin on the left and flowers professionally dried in our studio and preserved in resin on the right